If you have encountered content or behaviour which you believe breaks our hate speech & discrimination policy on the app, please contact hello@justhazaar.com or DM us on Instagram. You can also report these issues directly from the app:
. We’ll investigate and take action.
We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to abuse and harassment. We take action against any users we see engaging in this behaviour; including permanent bans and reporting to the authorities, if necessary. Please contact us via email at hello@justhazaar.com,or on Instagram so we can assess the situation. You can also report the user or message directly in the app.
Please contact us and we'll investigate the situation.
Our full terms and conditions are available to view any time, both through our website here and through the app in settings.
We are committed to creating the best possible experience for our users, so we warmly welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have.
You can email the founder, Haz, directly via email at harriet@justhazaar.com, or DM us on Instagram.